Lanparte hhg-01固件应用程序下载
Apps - 尼康中国
The LanParte HHG-01 Handheld Gimbal allows you to capture stabilized, free-floating shots with your smartphone or GoPro. It features a motorized three-axis gimbal and a 6-axis IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) designed to keep your cellphone level and isolated from shakes and jitters. LANPARTE HHG-01 3-AXIS motorized handheld gimbal active stabilizer the was first to market that is compatible with iPhone 6s plus and go pro. Buyer must pay return shipping via the same method originally shipped. Therefore, this gimbal is compatible with all of these smart phones: iPhone 4, 5, 6, 6s, 6 … 18/08/2015 29/12/2014
Lanparte GOC-01 Lanparte HHG-01 için Gopro Takma Aparatı uygun fiyat avantajı ile'da 16/01/2016 966 lanparte products are offered for sale by suppliers on, of which other camera accessories accounts for 13%, camera cable accounts for 1%, and stabilizers accounts for 1%. A wide variety of lanparte options are available to you, There are 166 suppliers who sells lanparte on, mainly located in Asia. Some say I drove the HHG-01 too hard. So for the record, given the state of current technology the HHG-01 is well worth the money and functions well. I have emailed the support at LanParte about getting the software to recognise inverted operation -- hoping for a positive reply! andyharris March 2015. 俊视品牌/图片/价格 - 俊视品牌精选大全,品质商家,实力商家,进口商家,微商微店一件代发,阿里巴巴为您找到1,685个有 东莞兰帕特影视器材科技有限公司,长安镇新安二路39号(康惠百货右侧),主要经营影视器材;五金及塑胶;五金及塑胶模具;货物进出口;金属进出口;电子产品;cnc加工订制;各种代工产品;塑胶订做,86-0769-81889368,如需购买影视器材;五金及塑胶;五金及塑胶模具;货物进出口;金属进出口;电子产品;cnc加工
下载适用于打印机和多功能一体机的软件 Brother
Lanparte HHG-01 De Poche Cardan Stabilisateur pour Smartphones pour iPhone. Original Noir Blanc Xiaomi Capsule Écouteurs Écouteurs En Silicone 45 degrés Angle Écouteur Main Libre pour IOS XiaoMi Smartphone 24,12 Lanparte HHG-01 3軸ハンドヘルドジンバル スマートフォンとGoPro用 (ブラック)がカメラ用アクセサリストアでいつでもお買い得。当日お急ぎ便対象商品は、当日お届け可能です。アマゾン配送商品は、通常配送無料(一部除く)。
Détails de la base de connaissances - Poly
This LanParte HHG-01 kit ALSO includes the GoPro clamp that is compatible with the GoPro Hero3 and Hero4. The LanParte HHG-01 allows you to capture smooth, stable video with your smartphone or GoPro with only ONE hand. This allows you to record on the move, whether walking, riding a bicycle, or skateboarding down the street. LanParte HHG-01 PLUS 지난달 지인들과의 모임에서 동영상 촬영과 편집을 참 잘하는 후배가 셀카봉처럼 생긴 요상한 물체를 가지고 등장을 했답니다. 궁금한 것은 못 참는 저였기에 물어보니 동영상 촬영시 손떨림을 방지해 주는 랜파트 짐벌이라고 하네요. Стедикам LanParte HHG-01 Купить в Киеве и Украине с гарантией. >>> Лучшая цена, Гарантия, Бесплатная доставка. ☎ (067) 122-0550 | (066) 122-0550 | (063) 122-0550 LanParte HHG-01 手持式手機用三軸穩定器. 可支援4-5 吋以內的手機銜接。另外,有推出相容GoPro 夾座,如有需求用戶,可另購進行升級。另外,據了解,近期即將發售iPhone 6+ 版本,如有需求用戶,可至門市進行選購。 Great OptionGET THE HHG-01 TODAYAMAZONI was given the opportunity to review the Lanparte HHG-01 3-axis stabilizer. I’ve recently seen a rise in the handheld stabilizers. And all this hype had me wondering. But before I go any further, let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Mike Clubb, and I am the owner […]
966 lanparte products are offered for sale by suppliers on, of which other camera accessories accounts for 13%, camera cable accounts for 1%, and stabilizers accounts for 1%. A wide variety of lanparte options are available to you, There are 166 suppliers who sells lanparte on, mainly located in Asia. Some say I drove the HHG-01 too hard. So for the record, given the state of current technology the HHG-01 is well worth the money and functions well. I have emailed the support at LanParte about getting the software to recognise inverted operation -- hoping for a positive reply! andyharris March 2015.
LanParte HHG-01 3-Axis Motorized Handheld Gimbal Active Stabilizer for GoPro iPhone 6S Plus Smartphones Video Cameras GoPro Clamp Included I recently worked with the DJI Ronin with a Red Epic and was instantly infatuated with 3-axis gimbal systems. As these are growing in popularity, there are 04/03/2017